Need HELP?
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Need HELP?
The SETAI IT office receives a high volume of messages. For an immediate solution to your situation, we recommend that you first consult this section. Here you will find tutorials that will be of great help and will save you time. Also, you will find responses to the frequently asked questions, and SETAI offices emails if you need to contact us.
How to sign in to my SETAI institutional email ?
I forgot the password for my institutional email (Gmail). How can I reset it to access my messages again?
How do I change the user interface language of my institutional email (Gmail)?
How do I access my courses in the SETAI learning platform?
I don't remember my password to log in to the SETAI learning platform. It says "Invalid login, please try again". What should I do?
How do I edit my profile on the SETAI learning platform, including my timezone?
How do I upload my assignments to the learning platform to send them to my professor?
I try to upload the assignment to the SETAI learning platform, but the file (PowerPoint presentation, video, etc.) is too large (exceeds 2MB). What I can do?
How can I use Turnitin Draft Coach in Google Docs to get instant feedback on similarity, citations, and grammar issues on my assignments (and forums) before I send it to the professor?
If the instructor enabled Turnitin (similarity/originality detection software) on an Assignment, how can I view the similarity report?
How do I get free Office 365 Education online services?
How do I post on forums and reply to classmates?
How do I sign in to my SETAI institutional email ?
I forgot the password for my institutional email (Gmail). How can I reset it to access my messages again?
How do I change the user interface language of my institutional email?
How do I access my course (log in) in the SETAI learning platform?
How do I claim to host a Zoom meeting for my SETAI class?
How can I update my Zoom app?
How do I share Zoom recordings with my students through the learning platform?
Where can I find the Etiquette and Safety Guidelines for Successful Videoconferencing?
How do I send a message to all my students through the SETAI learning platform?
How do I upload files to Google Drive and share them with my students through the SETAI learning platform?
How do I access the Adventist Virtual Library (AVL)?
How do I add and edit an Assignment in my course?
How can I use Turnitin to detect originality/similarity in the submission of an assignment?
How can my students use Turnitin Draft Coach in Google Docs to get instant feedback on similarities, citations, and grammatical issues in their assignments (and forums) before they send them to me through the learning platform?
How do I enable the rubrics to use it as an evaluation method in the Assignments?
How do I grade Assignments?
How do I grant an extension for an Assignment?
How do I enable rubrics to use as a grading method in Forums?
How do I grade Forums?
How do I edit grades in the gradebook?
How can I view a student's activity log on the SETAI learning platform?
How do I take attendance?
How do I create groups in my course?
How do I add a quiz using a question bank?
How do I add a grading item to grade activities that do not require submission through the SETAI learning platform such as attendance, participation, etc.?
How do I set up the gradebook?
How do I complete the Final Grade Report Form that I must send to the Registrar's Office at the end of the course?
Admissions and Records
Ketlie Henry
henryke@setai.eduTechnical Support
Orlando Acevedo
help@setai.eduFinance Vice Presidency
Dr. Nolwin Guilarte
Evelyn Troche
trocheev@setai.eduAdventist Virtual Library (AVL)
Dr. Yanet Cima
cimaya@interamerica.orgAcademic Vice Presidency
Dr. Ángel Guzmán
guzmanan@setai.eduInstitutional Effectiveness
Dr. Carlos Robles
roblesca@setai.eduReligious Affairs
Dr. Josney Rodríguez
Dr. Efraín Velázquez